Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My New Blog!!

SO...I am off to Gabon, Africa in T-minus 4 days. I thought it would be nice for family, friends, and other people to follow my whole experience online! Hopefully I will be able to update this every week or so, at least. But, I am not sure how to everything on this thing we call a "blog". It is kind of a new concept for me. But, I would like to give a shout out to Terri Hershey for giving me a crash course in blogging.


  1. umm so guess what... we will be eating manioc this summer...

  2. AWESOME!!! So glad you're a blogger that doesn't know what he's doing... like me! :) See you in a few!!!!

    PS -- I will not be eating manioc this summer... you and Drew can have my share! :)

  3. EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it rude to write here that I had a nickname for manioc last summer. I tried to keep it to myself, but it might have slipped out...maniYUCK. So sorry, don't mean to offend those sweet women who spend entire days cooking it for us. Just saying it wasn't my favorite part of the wonderful trip. I might also be able to smell it right now, just by saying the word outloud.
    Glad you've got yourself started, Nate...can't wait to log on here to read your updates!

  4. I will be substituting sugarcane for my manioc this summer. Also, you will forever be associated with Hannah Montana in my mind because of your blog title. I might even write you your own theme song.
