Friday, June 18, 2010

Decisions Decisions

So when we were in Bongolo, we had to decide what type of ministry here we would plug into and do the rest of the summer. I was between Hope House, Medical clinic, Church Plant/work projects, or work in the SNI clinic. So, we went around the circle saying what we thought God was leading us to. I honestly didn't really know what he wanted me to do but I knew he would lead me either way. So we had to choose at least one and somehow I went last. But as people around the group kept answering, only 2 things were being said (Hope House and Medical Clinic). About 3/4 around the circle, everyone had pretty much said the same thing. And I couldn't help think to myself, what about the church planting? That takes soo much work, time, and lots of people. And no one is saying it! But I said I have NO CLUE as to what I would be doing (Tim didn't really dive into the description/I have Zero experience) But I really felt like God was telling me," since when do you not like doing something that you know nothing about? You have no idea what your doing and that is perfect cause now you are really going to have to rely on me" So I thought "oh, poo he's right (again)" and so I will be heading up building projects to put a roof on a church, making a concrete gate thingy around the Hope House, and totally redesigning a storage shed into a full blown guest house! I am the only one who decided to do this, but another intern is joining me since he picked other ministries to start other than those four. Also, Tim Kelly is a beast at stuff like this, so he is helping me through things. Again, I have no clue what I am doing, and have screwed up a couple times already. But I am kind of excited because this is an opportunity to really grow in certain areas. Woot Woot for cluelessness!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you'll do fine... after all you will be working with the "Master Carpenter"! :) love that you like challenges!

  3. OH, NATHAN!! You just had me laughing! I love your honesty and your obedient heart! I don't think you could have landed on anything on your options list that you would not have been good at...and no one would have questioned any of your choices - BUT, the one you chose is SO you! Not because of your skill factor-I believe your family might agree, you have none in this area- but seriously, why not go totally crazy and learn something new that is absolutely out of the realm of your own abilities. I love that you are following a blind road and willing to say, "I have no clue" is there that you will find the Greatest help and learn what happens when you come to the end of yourself. It's easier to do what you know and feel bent towards - it takes more faith to believe you can do something you have no idea how to do! I love that you're up for the challenge! Praying for you guys as you dive into the unknowns of the summer....

  4. The less we are confident in something, the more room God has to fill us up with His knowledge and His ways of doing it!

  5. hahaha yey for cluelessness!! I have no idea what I'm doing at my new job either!! I am learning a lot about trusting God too... So I'll be praying for us both!
    We miss you guys!
